Simple Integration, Superior Security
Integrate secure payment devices with any software application
Launch your SaaS product into the future with Bolt
Bolt makes it quick and easy to add secure, card-present payment acceptance to any software environment. Our cloud-based integrations simplify the payment acceptance process and protect transactions with a powerful combination of EMV and tokenization.
Even More to Love
Multiple device options
Instant firmware updates
Developer-friendly API content
Compatibility with any browser
Customizable branding
Configurable with DHCP + Static IP
NFC technology for safer acceptance
How Bolt Works
Meet the Bolt Family
We offer a variety of Bolt device integrations that allow you to build the perfect solution for your customers. Whether you’re developing a custom POS for a national retailer or a mobile solution for small businesses, we have you covered.
Bolt Terminal
For retail or custom point of sale apps
Bolt Mobile
For accepting payments on the go
Bolt Desktop
For USB supported applications
Bolt Unattended (Coming Soon)
For secure, self-service payments
Ready to Start?
Get started in the dashboard or contact sales.